Question: In my Thymeleaf template, I want to output the size of a list of objects. For example, for the list List<String> list = Arrays.asList("Go", "Python", "Scala"); the result should be 3. How is this possible using just Thymeleaf syntax? You can use the following expression: <span th:text="${#lists.size(myList)}">[Number of Elements]</span> And just in case you want to check if the list is empty, there is also an easy method for that: <span th:if="${#lists.isEmpty(myList)}">This list is empty</span> ...

Creating and persisting business objects using Spring Boot is amazingly easy. Assume you create an API for simple CRUD methods and want to create an entity based on data entered by your frontend users. In the old times, you would probably populate several POST fields in a key-value style and create your business object manually from those fields. Spring Boot offers an easier solution. As long as your internal data model equals the frontend’s data model, you can use the ...

Bernhard Knasmüller on Software Development