Let’s face it: if you are reading this blog, you are probably so deep into technology that paying 36 dollars per year for a password manager is a good deal compared to the value of your logins. This is certainly true for me, which is why I’m a 1Password premium subscriber (because I think it is the best password manager on the market). However, I’ve had countless conversations with friends and family members who are not so deep into technology ...

Stop repeating yourself. Emails and messages in general often consist of repeated content blocks that never change. Greetings and signatures are perfect examples: some people even try to eliminate such “noise” from messages (for example, the “nohello”-movement). While it is unrealistic that such changes to the human interaction protocol will ever be universally accepted, there is something else a productivity-minded person can do in order to lose less time each day typing the same phrases over and over again. Outlook ...